Swiss Siap Bantu Peningkatan Kapasitas SDM Di Sektor EBT

Jakarta, TAMBANG, Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (BPSDM ESDM) menandatangani Project Arrangement (PA) dengan The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of the Swiss Confederation diwakili Kurt Kunz. Kurt sendiri adalah Duta Besar Swiss untuk Indonesia, Timor Leste, dan ASEAN. PA ini ditandatangani pada Rabu (2/12) dengan lingkup pengembangan Energi […]

HBA Desember Mulai Mendekati USD60,00 Per Ton

Jakarta,TAMBANG, Seiring dengan mulai pulihnya perekonomian global. Konsumsi dan permintaan energi juga mulai meningkat. Ini mempengaruhi pergerakan harga batu bara. Untuk bulan terakhir tahun ini, Harga Batubara Acuan (HBA) melanjutkan trend penguatan. HBA Desember ditetapkan diangka USD59,65 per ton. Sementara di Bulan November ditetapkan sebesar USD 55,71 per ton. Artinya naik 7,07% atau USD3,94 per […]

Though Prohibition Remains, Illicit Bauxite Mining Continues In NW Indonesia

A longstanding ban on the practice notwithstanding, illicit bauxite mining reportedly continues in the northwestern reaches of Indonesia. Such was the reportage from domestic sources this weekend.  Per Indonesian news agency Antara, illegal bauxite mining is underway in Angkut, Dendang and Bukit Batu in the Bintan District of Indonesia’s Riau Islands Province. Though the culprits are known to […]

Investment in Indonesia’s energy sector to rise by 39.2% this year

JAKARTA ( – Deputy Minister for Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said he is upbeat the investment target in energy sector – coal and mineral, electricity, renewable energy and oil and gas – would rise by 39.2% this year to US$37.2 billion from US$26.7 billion last year.  To support the target, the energy ministry […]

UPDATE 2-Indonesia sees coal output flat in 2019 amid equipment shortage

* Production seen at 481 million tonnes in 2018 and 2019* 400 mln tonne output cap in 2019 unlikely -mining ministry* Miners waiting up to 12 months for excavators – contractor (Adds industry comments)  By Fergus Jensen  NUSA DUA, Indonesia, May 7 (Reuters) – Indonesia is targeting annual production of 481 million tonnes of coal […]

Deloitte Global Mining Report Explores Key Trends in 2018

The FINANCIAL — The last 10 years have seen the rollercoaster of highs and lows in the mining sector continue. Commodity prices reached both historic highs and lows, and operational realities shifted irrevocably in the face of a digital revolution. 2018 will likely see the continuation of rapid change in the industry.  Released on January […]